Beak Garage Diorama (Arianny)

It takes me almost a month to finish this garage diorama project.

For this project the hardest part is the trusses, I don't have the photo posted in here but it can be view on the E-book available in download section.
Trusses are made up of wood coffee stirrer, I find it difficult of cutting the wood using blade cutter and I have to make 3 identical trusses.

Something new here that I don't have in my other project is the steel tool cabinet. It is made from old credit card painted with silver paint.

VIN's Garage (Stef)

New garage diorama for the new year.
Too simple not too much color, this garage diorama is the easiest dio I made so far. Just silver paint all over and some weathering.

I cut rectangular holes at the ceiling put a lampshade on the top of the garage diorama to make the lights effect.