Talyer ni Mervin (Ehra)

The Talyer (Garage) is now finished. I dedicated 3-4hours per night after work to build this diecast garage diorama for the past 3 months and spent my day-off painting them. This garage diorama is 100% scratch built from tools, equipments, furniture’s, doors, beams etc. etc.
It is made from cardboard, illustration board, corriboard, corrugated board, CD case, wooden coffee stirrer, barbeque stick, papers, paper clips, wires, soldering wire, LED’s.

The size of the diorama is 17"x11"x8.5".

The Sketch
The sketch was made using CAD software and Photoshop. This perspective has made my job easier in making this diorama, although some changes were made during the execution of the project. But still I am very happy with the outcome of the garage.

Click here to get a copy of the E-book of this diorama.

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